Monday, April 2, 2007

New Dorm, Mexican Food and Foreignors, and Grocery Shopping

Okay, I just told Jenny I wasn't going to update today because of problems with my power converters, but I'm going to try anyway. First thing, is that I moved into my new dorm on Thursday, and I absolutely love it! I have five roommates and we each get a key to a flat. Inside, is sir rooms, a kitchen, a living room, and two bathrooms. I have such a huge room! Its way bigger than my room at Memorial. The bathroom is the size of a broom closet, but oh, well. I'm really happy to have a complete kitchen, complete with dishes. I can cook for myself now! I'm so happy. I totally can't do that at Baylor considering I share one kitchen with about two hundred other people. Three of my roommates are guys, which is really weird. One of them came and introduced himself to me in the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth. Its really hard to speak German around a mouthful of toothpaste.
Anyway, last night one of the other girls from Baylor asked me to go eat with her at that Mexican restaurant I talked about. She also invited four of her friends, an Italian, two French girls, and a girl from England (What do you call them? Franks and Brits?), none of whom have ever eaten Mexican food before. It was funny when they wanted to know the proper way to eat a taco or roll up a fajita. I'm really sad that their first introduction to Mexican food was warped by German culture. Kandra and I explained (or more so Kandra than me, considering her German is much better) that Mexican food is much better in Texas.
Anyway, I went shopping today at a store called Real-. Its kind of like Wal-Mart. Some of the German food packaging/items were really funny. For example, some of the milk isn't kept cold, and you buy American salad dressing, like we buy Italian and French. The salad dressing flavors were really weird. I finally decided to try Jogurt Zitrone (yogurt lemon). Hopefully that doesn't taste bad. I also bought a laundry bag that had its size on the outside of the package in metric units. I assumed it would be large because it was a laundry bag, but I honestly don't think that it could hold more than three outfits. Oh, well. I'm really glad I bought it anyway, because I forgot that German grocery stores make you bag your own groceries in a bag you bring. Oops. People were giving me funny stares while I was tearing open the packaging around the laundry bag and then when I was lugging a laundry bag full of groceries onto the tram.
Okay, I think that's all for now. I still have lots of paperwork/registration issues to deal with, so please pray for me!
Just for you Daddy....Allfeetarethesame!
(We'll see how many people get that.)


Katie said...

Your new dorm sounds exciting! And that's smart about the grocery bay though, because then you can save paper and plastic!

Jenny Bolech said...

I would have loved to see you wandering through town with your laundry bag full of groceries! I hope you're having a good time and all your classes are interesting! You need to update us on your life (ok, I can't really give you a hard time about this since katie and I aren't exactly updating super regularly). We all miss you here in the states!