Okay, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated for ten days, but I've been trying to accumulate stuff to talk about. Okay, here goes.
I've finally finished up all the paper work issues I need to deal with and can finally settle down a bit. The Intensive Course ended last Thursday and since then I've been on "vacation". Unfortunately, this included doing research for Dr. Wisely, which I am really, super, super, behind on even now. I've only written about one page of the paper I need to write for him, that's already overdue. (Though its not too bad because it needs to be two to four pages, and I've already started the next book, so I should be able to catch up easily).
I also had to run around doing paper work junk. I finally finished filling out my lease for my WG, and am now an official student of the university, and also an official temporary resident of Germany, so I wont be deported. (Not that I was really worried about that).
I did do a bit of exploring during the break. Last Saturday, the day it snowed in Texas, (which weirdly enough was really hot here), I went to a nature park on the outskirts of town called the Bergwelt Schauinsland. The park is up in the mountains, so in order to get to it, you can either be really lame and take a bus, or you can take the gondola. I totally thought of how much Katie would have enjoyed the gondola ride, considering I know you feel having one at Baylor would make it a top-rate university. Its the longest gondola ride in the world, (no kidding), lasting forty minutes, there and back. While up there, all I did was walk around on the trials, take pictures of the mountains, and collect rocks for my rock collection. There were a couple of museums there and a mini zoo, but it too far away for me to walk to and manage to catch the last gondola back down the mountain.
Today, Kandra (one of the other girls from Baylor) and I went to the very touristy town of Titisee. We decided to hike around the lake (FYI "see" means "lake" auf Deutsch), and look through all the shops. We also packed our lunch so we could save money. It was a really cheap excursion, and I had lots of fun. My feet were really hurting by the time I got home, though.
Tonight, I went to a beer garden with some of the people who were in the language course. And no, sorry, I didn't drink a beer. Maybe I'll have one to celebrate Jenny's graduation.
I just want to say that I have some really great roommates. (Even though a bag of pasta I bought is now mysteriously missing). They're really helpful with my German and everything else. Next week, all six of us are going to go out for a "WG Essen". I'm really excited about it.
Monday I finally start class. I'm taking four classes, two through the language school and two through the university itself: Oral German, German Writing Skills, An Overview of German Literary History II, and also An Introduction to Literary Studies. (The last one is not a German class, but the one that Baylor will count as British Literature). The classes are each two hours long, and are each only one day a week. So I have two classes on Monday, one on Tuesday, and one on Thursday. Not the most ideal schedule, but I didn't really get a choice.
Okay, that's all for now. I'll try to be a bit more prompt in my updates.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
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